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Java if-else ladder with a example program.


  Today we shall check about the if-else ladder it is simlar to the if-else statement only the difference is that we can combine a if statement with the else we should have a example program with the syntax and whole bunch of stuff . We also provide a download link in bellow . You are free to change the code and if you wish to share the modified code share with us in the comments.

What is the Syntax of the if -else ladder or if -else if ?

    Statement 1
    Statement 2
    Statement 3
else if(condition){
  Statement 1
  Statement 2
  Statement 3
   Statement 1
   Statement 2
   Statement 3

How to write the java program code for the ladder ?

Code Statement :- Program to find greatest of the three number using if -else ladder.

 class condition1{
  public static void main(String[] args){
int a = 5;
int b = 6;
int c = 7;
if(a>b && a>c){
System.out.println("The Greatest number is "+a);
else if(b>c){
System.out.println("The Greatest number is "+b);
System.out.println("The Greatest number is "+c);

  The Greatest number is 7

Here is the download link of the Source code.

  So , if your found this post usefull try to share it with your friends who are learing java . As "knowledge increases by Sharing " . Do check other post posted on this blog about the java programing and setup on the local setup. 


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